Minutes of the Parish Council meeting held on Tuesday 4th July 2023 in the Village Hall

Present: Cllr Jonathan Baker, Cllr Tom Scott-Malden, Cllr Andy Syddell, Cllr Gill Denny, Cllr Bavalant Barber

In Attendance: Jane Thicknesse, Clerk, and 6 members of the public. 

Item No.




Public discussion of items on agenda

a. Recently there have been a greatly increased number of farm vehicles travelling between Shepherds Farm and Picket Farm. The need is recognised but they wondered if advance notice could be given if a particularly busy time is known about. 

b. It was reported that the 30mph signs at the entrances to the village on the A356 were obscured by vegetation.

c. A road diversion sign at the junction of Picket Lane and the A356 was in a bad position and would be better on the other side of the junction.

d. There is an increase in the amount of dog waste on footpath W42/1 (the yellow brick road). Additional signs reminding people of their responsibility to collect waste are to be erected.











Apologies / Declarations of interest / grant of dispensations

Apologies were received and accepted from PCSO Alex Bishop.



Approval of Minutes of meeting held on 9th May 2023

The minutes of the last meeting were approved, and were signed by the Chairman. Proposed by Cllr Scott-Malden and seconded by Cllr Syddell.



Matters arising from Minutes of meeting held on 9th May 2023

a. Pipplepen Solar Farm

No further information on when the project will start has been received to date. The Clerk will continue to monitor

b. Wall in Manor Close

Cllr Syddell reported that a group of residents had met at the wall and decided on the best way forward. This involves reducing a section of the wall to ground level and making safe the walls on either side. A maximum of 6 bags of lime mortar would be required. Approval was given for expenditure of £50 to cover costs. Proposed by Cllr Scott-Malden, seconded by Cllr Barber.






Cllr Scott-Malden


Millennium Green

The Chairman reported that following the Millennium Green meeting on 16th June, a group of residents had drawn up a draft questionnaire and letter which was to be delivered to all households in South Perrott and Chedington. This had only recently been received by the Parish Council who planned to review and make any amendments before it was distributed. Thanks were expressed to all those who had worked on the documents.





Planning Matters 

a. Applications handled since last meeting 



b. Decisions notified by DC since last meeting


c. New applications to be considered

i. P/LBC/2023/03069 Location: Maple Cottage 

Proposal: Retain removal of Inglenook and cement screed over flagstone floor. Replace windows and doors. Remove internal wooden panelling.

After discussion it was decided that as this involved a listed building and some very technical changes to windows, doors and fireplaces, the Councillors did not feel qualified to comment on the planning application. It was suggested that advice was sought from DAPTC.


Following discussions with DAPTC on 5 July 2023 the following comment was submitted:

Council is minded to support the planning application. Because of the specialist and technical nature of the changes; council would ask that the case officer and planning authority take steps to ensure the application meets the requirements for a property that is listed. Furthermore, that it consults with any specialists in this area and ensures national policy guidance is not compromised. Should the application be amended or changed in any way we would wish to be re-consulted.

d. Tree applications since last meeting


e. Other Planning Matters 

i. WD/D/20/001708 – Coach and Horses

The appeal against the enforcement order has not yet been heard and no date has been set for the hearing. The Clerk will continue to monitor and chase.


























Reports from Dorset Councillor, Police Officer, River Warden and Footpaths Officer

a. Dorset Councillor

No report received


b. River Warden

No issues to report have arisen during the prolonged period of dry weather.

I have, however, sought clarification from the Environment Agency on the status of the reinstatement works at South Perrott Reservoir. The two year period for grass reinstatement will expire in November 2024, and after this date, access across the reservoir area will be permitted, as before.

Martyn Gillingham

River/Flood Warden

Tel: 01935 891931 Email:

c. Footpaths Officer

There are a number of issues that need addressing including the collapsed bank in Langmoor Lane, which is still awaiting repair and the river section of Bailey’s Lane, which is very overgrown and needs an industrial strimmer to cut back the foliage. Of greater concern is the style at the end of the Millennium Green. This has eroded and as a result of its reduced weighing bearing capacity there may be an accident. This style is used regularly by walkers/runners using the Parrett Trail. Dorset Council (DC) was notified of the issue on 26/06/23 and not only have I received an incident number (MNT60438), but also a phone call from the Senior Ranger to say that he hoped that Stuart, who is one of his team, would be coming here to inspect within the next week. In the next 10 days I will check to see if a repair has been made.

The Environment Agency (EA) Flood Relief Scheme land adjacent to the Millennium Green (MG) remains closed to all users. We have now been advised by the EA that it will remain closed until November 2024. In the meantime the EA will continue to cut the MG and access will remain either through the Baileys Lane bridleway (wellies are required), or via Ian Neal’s permissive path.

The Senior Ranger (Russell Goff) is also responsible for all verges, and DC owned green spaces in West Dorset. Recently one of his team cut the grass on the corner of Manor Close where both a bench and litter bin is situated. I advised the Ranger and the operative of our appreciation especially by those who live in Manor Close.

Please continue to keep me informed of any issues encountered on our local rights of way. Thank you.

Sue Coutanche 

SP Footpath Officer

d. PCSO 

We had a report of a possible dwelling burglary in South Perrott, believed to have occurred at sometime between May and June. Luckily the items believed stolen, were located on the premises in a different location that thought to be.

Fortunately, there is nothing else to feed back for the Village at this time, but further afield, there was a theft of approximately 40 lambs from an isolated field in the Blackdown area. This is quite rare for this area, but worth bearing in mind, should you see any suspicious activity around livestock fields. Any concerns about suspicious activity, call us at the time on 101, or call 999 if you believe a crime is in progress.

PCSO Alex Bishop 



Report from DAPTC Western Area Meeting

Cllr Denny reported that she had recently attended the DAPTC Western area meeting. The three main topics were:

  • Climate Change Emergency – Bridport and Lyme Regis Town Councils have strategies in place, including Energy Champions.
  • Broadband/Mobile Connectivity – work is being done to improve all types of connectivity (mobile coverage as well as internet), but in “pockets” within West Dorset. DAPTC is arranging a webinar with Dorset Council and Jurassic Fibre (the contractors), to discuss the roll out and the experience from other local authorities.
  • Recruitment of Councillors – it was acknowledged by both town and parish councils that there is often difficulty in recruiting new and retaining existing councillors. There is also a very high turnover of Clerks.



A brief discussion took place about a 20mph limit throughout the village. The Chairman reported that it was very difficult to get this imposed but if there was enough demand from the residents the Parish Council would investigate.




a. Financial Status

Payments made since 9th May 2023

Clerking Work (May, Jun 23)


Payroll Administrator Salary (May, Jun 23)





Income since 9th May 2023





New cheques/payments for consideration

Manor Close Wall Project




Bank balance as at 4th July 2023 £6583.86




Matters of report and items for the next meeting

a. Chairman

Nothing to report

b. Clerk

Nothing to report

c. Members 

Nothing to report



Dates of Future Meetings

Tuesday 12th September at 6.30pm in the Village Hall

The meeting closed at 7.37pm


Public Session to raise items for future agendas

It was requested that at the next meeting the topics of High Speed Broadband in West Dorset and the implications of the introduction of Digital Voice in South Perrott are on the agenda.