Minutes 21 July 2022

Minutes of the Parish Council meeting held on Thursday 21st July 2022 at 7.30pm the Village Hall
Present: Cllr Jonathan Baker, Cllr Yvonne Harris, Cllr Balavant Barber, Cllr Tom Scott-Malden, Cllr Gill Denny
In Attendance:  Jane Thicknesse, Clerk, and 6 members of the public.

Item No.   Action
  Public discussion of items on agenda
A resident raised concern about the poor visibility (due to vegetation) at the junction of Lecher Lane and the A3066. Clerk offered to report to Dorset Council.


2022/041 Apologies / Declarations of interest / grant of dispensations
Apologies were received and accepted from Cllr Rebecca Knox, PCSO Alex Bishop, Martyn Gillingham (River Warden).

2022/042 Approval of Minutes of meeting held on 26th May 2022
The minutes of the last meeting were approved, and were signed by the Chairman. Proposed by Cllr Scott-Malden and seconded by Cllr Harris.

2022/043 Matters arising from Minutes of meeting held on 26th May 2022
a. Condition of various roads in South Perrott
The Clerk reported that Blair Turner, Highways Officer, Dorset Council had visited and reported that currently Manor Close did not need including in a surface dressing scheme and Picket Lane (which had been recently patched) was still in relatively good condition with no extensive loss or fretting that would require sealing.  The surface of the at level footway from Hunters Hatch to Lecher Lane had lost some of its bauxite anti-skid surface treatment but again does not need re-surfacing.  An order for the edge of this piece of roadway to be side verged has been issued to re-establish the initial extent of width to address any safety concerns.
Blair Turner is still trying to determine if/when Pipplpepen Lane will be re-surfaced – this work was scheduled for 2020 but was delayed due to COVID.

b. Road Signs
The Clerk reported that Dorset Council required more information about which signs were of concern to residents. She requested all residents to contact her about particular signs (preferably with photographic evidence) and she will then report them to Dorset Council

c. Drain/Gully in Picket Lane
Still not cleared

d. Frequency of Litter Bin Emptying
This has now been changed to fortnightly.
e. Village Gateposts
It was agreed that the recent painting of the village gateposts had been effective and that they were much more noticeable and looked much better. Cllr Scott-Malden offered to cut back some of the vegetation around them and the possibility of laying a weed barrier and bark chippings to reduce future growth was briefly discussed.
f. Flowers for Vicky Reed
A thank you note had been received.
g. Pipplepen Solar Farm
There is still no progress with this project to report. South Somerset District Council website states that the planning application is ‘out for consultation’ and Dorset Council states that ‘a decision is pending’



Cllr Scott-Malden

2022/044 Update on The Pound Project
The Chairman reported that a lot of work had been done on The Pound and it was now looking significantly tidier (and larger). The next steps are to move the rubbish bin and noticeboard, purchase and install a bench identical to the one already in position and install a ‘lectern’ in the centre which will display local walks, all of which are to be funded by a resident. Initially the future upkeep of the area would be funded by the same resident but it is hoped that the Gardening Club might be prepared to take on the responsibility.
A discussion about the overhanging trees in The Pound took place as these need to be cut back before the work is completed. The Clerk reported that following her failed attempts to get Openreach, Western Power or Dorset Council to do the work, she had received a quote for £450 from a local contractor. SPPC requested the Clerk to approach Dorset Council again to ask if they would reconsider but if this failed proposed to fund the costs from the Village Enhancements Budget. Proposed by Cllr Baker, seconded by Cllr Harris, 4 in favour, I against.


Wall in Manor Close
The Clerk reported that she had written to the owners of the two properties bordering the wall in Manor Close. One had replied stating that the wall did not bound their property and was not in their ownership., the other did not respond. As ownership remains uncertain the Clerk contacted Blair Turner, Highways Safety Officer, Dorset Council and Paul Thomas, Building Control, Dorset Council. Both agree that the wall is not a danger to highway users but Paul Thomas does have concerns for children who may play near the wall.
He said that a legal approach to establish ownership and responsibility was likely to be drawn out and possibly prohibitively expensive and suggested that SPPC take a pragmatic approach to remove any danger. This may be the removal of removing loose stones to make safe. Paul Thomas offered to visit the site to advise further, an offer which was accepted by the Council.

2022/046 Planning Matters
a. Applications handled since last meeting
b. Decisions notified by DC since last meeting 
i. P/FUL/20122/00470 – Field along Baileys Lane
The Chairman reported that this planning application had been refused for a number of reasons. The small size of the site (and no indication that it was connected to a wider agricultural holding) meant that it could not be justified and the scale of the building is not commensurate (too large) for the intended sheep flock. Dorset Council considered that this scheme would result in an ad-hoc building within the open AONB to the detriment of its natural undeveloped beauty in this location. Concern about the proximity to the River Parrett and the possibility of flooding and difficulty of access were also cited.  (For full details see Planning application: P/FUL/2022/00470 – dorsetforyou.com (dorsetcouncil.gov.uk)
Since the refusal of the planning application this piece of land has been sold.

c. New applications to be considered

d. Tree applications since last meeting

e. Other Planning Matters
i. WD/D/20/001708 – Coach and Horses
Cllr Harris left the meeting for the duration of this agenda item 
The Clerk reported that Darren Rogers, Planning Enforcement Officer, Dorset Council had informed her that Mr John Harris had appealed against the planning decision 2 days prior to the expiry of the 6 month appeal period.  The appeal is scheduled to be dealt with by written representations – an exchange of written correspondence between Dorset Council as the local planning authority and the Planning Inspectorate. The first step is the appointment of an Inspector by the Planning Inspectorate which may take up to six months. Only when this person is appointed will the appeal start and the grounds of appeal be available on the Dorset Council website.  The Enforcement Team have agreed to notify South Perrott Parish Council once the appeal starts.
NB As an appeal has been made Dorset Council need to await the outcome of the appeal decision and will only consider taking enforcement action if the appeal is dismissed.

2022/047 Reports from Dorset Councillor, Police Officer, River Warden and Footpaths Officer
a. River Warden
The River Warden sent his apologies and the following report:
There have been no incidents of flooding reported in the village since my last report in May 2022.
A new Project Manager has been appointed by the Environment Agency to the South Perrott Reservoir project, and Ryan Lloyd has reported as follows:-
“The spillway construction works are progressing well and the precast concrete cellular blocks are now being installed on the crest (see photograph). Periods of wet weather are presenting a challenge, but our Contractor is working methodically to keep the prepared areas covered and protected. Currently the works are due for completion by mid-autumn 2022.
We thank the residents of South Perrott for their understanding of this important project.”
Martyn Gillingham, River Warden
Tel: 891931
Email: mcvgillingham@btinternet.com

b. Footpaths Officer
The dry spell reported in May continues and with record breaking temperatures there is just one word – it’s a ‘Scorcher’!  The River Parrett has almost dried up and there are no “boggy” patches along the Parrett Trail – a cold drink at the “Gap” is an even more welcomed reward when reaching the top! There is little to report on this occasion as the dry spell has not adversely affected the footpaths. Since my previous report I have now been advised by Dorset’s Senior Ranger (Coast & West) that the erosion of the banks along Langmoor Lane has been given ‘priority’ status.  I have asked to be advised when they intend to visit and hopefully accompany them. A big ‘thank you’, to all those who diligently carry clippers with them whilst out walking! Despite the recent lack of rain, the foliage still grows prolifically and the footpaths soon become overgrown.  It is most appreciated not only by me but by everyone using the footpaths when not being stung by nettles or having to fight one’s way through vegetation. Please continue to let me know if you find any footpaths matters that need addressing while you are out and about in South Perrott’s countryside.
Sue Coutanche SP Footpath Officer
c. Dorset Councillor
No report.

PCSO Alex Bishop sent his apologies and the following report:
On the night of 18th June, there was a property fire reported in School Hill.  At this time there is an open investigation to ensure that there are no suspicious circumstances, so there is little I can say at this time, but it appears that there were no casualties.
There is little else to report on incident wise. I want to thank those that attended the Coffee Morning on the 2nd July, it was great to see many people there.  I will be there monthly, my next appointment being Saturday August 13th.

2022/048 Review and Adoption of SPPC Policies
Prior to the meeting the Clerk had circulated copies of the proposed South Perrott Parish Council Code of Conduct. After a brief discussion this was adopted, proposed by Cllr Baker, seconded by Cllr Barber. A copy will be placed on the website and it and will be reviewed annually.
South Perrott Parish Council Standing Orders will be reviewed at the next meeting – copies will be circulated prior to the meeting.

2022/049 Highways
The Clerk reported that there were two imminent highway/bridleway closures. Notices have been placed on the Noticeboard and social media.

2022/050 Correspondence
Emails have been received/sent reference Highways (various), Planning, Banking, Wall in Manor Close
Hard copies of correspondence: Lloyds Bank Statement, Clerk and Councils Direct.

2022/051 Finance
a. Financial Status

Payments made since 26th May 2022
Clerking Work (Jun 22) 180.48
Donations/Gifts 480.00
Payroll Administration 15.00
Office Expenses 26.20
Village Gatepost Painting 200.00
Total £901.68

Income since 26th May 2022;
Total £0.00

New cheques/payments for consideration
Rubbish Bin Emptying £87.04
Total £87.04

Bank balance as at 21st July 2022  £4826.57

2022/052 Matters of report and items for the next meeting
a. Chairman
i. Visit by PCSO Alex Bishop
The Chairman renewed his thanks to PCSO Alex Bishop for his recent visit and confirmed that the next one would be on Saturday 13th August from 0930 in the Village Hall.

b. Clerk
Nothing to report

c. Members
Nothing to report

2022/053 Dates of Future Meetings
Thursday 8th September 2022 at 7.30pm
The meeting closed at 8.30pm

  Public Session to raise items for future agendas
Nothing to report