Draft minutes 9th May 2023


Minutes of the Parish Council meeting held on Tuesday 14th March 2023 at 6.30pm the Village Hall

Present: Cllr Jonathan Baker, Cllr Tom Scott-Malden, Cllr Andy Syddell, Cllr Gill Denny Scott-Malden

In Attendance: Jane Thicknesse, Clerk, and 4 members of the public.

Item No. Action

Public discussion of items on agenda

A resident asked if Dorset Council would cut the verge at the junction of Lecher Lane and the A3066 as visibility is very difficult.


Apologies / Declarations of interest / grant of dispensations

Apologies were received and accepted from Cllr Bee Barber, Martyn Gillingham (River Warden) and PCSO Bishop.


Approval of Minutes of meeting held on 14th March 2023

The minutes of the last meeting were approved, and were signed by the Chairman. Proposed by Cllr Scott-Malden and seconded by Cllr Syddell.


Matters arising from Minutes of meeting held on 14th March 2023

a. Pipplepen Solar Farm

No further information on when the project will start has been received to date. The Clerk will continue to monitor

b. Wall in Manor Close

A group of volunteers will meet to discuss the way forward during the week of 15th May.

c. Millennium Green

The meeting to discuss the future of the Millennium Green will be held on Friday 16th June at 6pm in the Village Hall. The meeting will be advertised in the Pump and Pound, on the PC website and on the village noticeboard. All residents are encouraged to attend to hear possible options and to give their views. This will be followed up by a survey (paper and online) which will be available to all households.






a. Annual Village Meeting
The Annual Village Meeting was held on Friday 21st April 2023. It was well attended by residents. Chris Loder MP was in attendance for the meeting and following a short presentation he answered questions from residents. A copy of the minutes of the meeting can be found on the noticeboard and PC website (www.southperrottparishcouncil.org)

b. Coronation Tea Party
Cllr Scott-Malden reported that the Coronation Tea Party held on Sunday 7th May from 3-5pm had been a big success with over 70 attendees. Thanks were expressed to John and Jane Baker (and their helpers) for providing a fantastic buffet which people enjoyed outside in the sunshine in the Village Hall Car Park which had been decorated for the occasion. Thanks were also expressed to the people who had helped with the set up and to Caroline Deakin (Clipper teas) for providing the tea. Customised aluminium water flasks were distributed to the children of the village to mark the Coronation, with the remainder being quickly sold to residents.

c. Millennium Green
The meeting to discuss the future of the Millennium Green will be held on Friday 16th June at 6pm in the Village Hall. The meeting will be advertised in the Pump and Pound, on the PC website and on the village noticeboard. All residents are encouraged to attend to hear possible options and to give their views. This will be followed up by a survey (paper and online) which will be available to all households.


Planning Matters

a. Applications handled since last meeting


b. Decisions notified by DC since last meeting


c. New applications to be considered


d. Tree applications since last meeting


e. Other Planning Matters

i. WD/D/20/001708 – Coach and Horses

The Chairman reported that the owners of the Coach and Horses (Parrett Hotel) had lodged an appeal against the enforcement notice which they had been served on 17th March 2023. This means that the case will be assigned to a Planning Inspector in Bristol who will liaise with the owners to decide how the appeal will be heard. The three options are written evidence, public hearing or public enquiry. The Clerk was asked to continue to monitor and chase.

***NB. On 11th May 2023 a letter was received from Dorset Council informing that the appeal had been assigned and that the case would be decided by written evidence. The closing date for representations to be submitted is 8th June 2023. A date for when the appeal is decided is unknown.


Reports from Dorset Councillor, Police Officer, River Warden and Footpaths Officer

a. Dorset Councillor

No report received

b. River Warden

Despite the wettest March for 40 years, there have been no instances of flooding in the village.

However, I had to clear the gulleys on the A356 at Lecher Bridge on the way to Crewkerne on 18 March as the road had become almost impassable to cars. Unless the gulleys are kept clear of leaves and other roadside debris, this frequently happens in times of heavy rainfall when water pours down the tarmac road surface and settles in the dip in the road.

Luckily, the village suffered no adverse affects from Storm Noa on 12 April.

Martyn Gillingham

River/Flood Warden

Tel: 01935 891931 Email: mcvgillingham@btinternet.com

c. Footpaths Officer

As I write I am still awaiting contact and hopefully a visit from West Dorset’s Senior Ranger, to address some of the outstanding issues that were identified in the last update. These include the erosion to the bank in Langmoor Lane and the sign post in Chedington Lane. Added to this is now the overgrown state of Bailey’s Lane especially the river section where as well as a proliferation of foliage there are also some large overhanging branches.

Bailey’s Lane is both a bridleway and footpath which forms part of the Parrett Trail. Currently the bridleway is closed and will remain so for the foreseeable future. When it eventually is reopened it will follow the spillway which is part of the Flood Relief Scheme. The Millennium Green, as always, can continue to be accessed via the permissive path across Ian Neal’s field. The Environment Agency no longer permits access onto the Flood Relief Scheme and the gates remain locked. (This has always been a privilege and not a right) The restrictions are clearly shown in the signage at the top of the Engineers Road, which is now a dead end.
Although we have outstanding scenery o our doorstep, we are also surrounded by beautiful coast and countryside which is within easy reach. There are some lovely walks that you may like to tnry. These can be downloaded at www.livewelldorset.co.uk/get-active/walk-this-may.
Happy walking and do remember to wear the appropriate footwear as many of the paths are very muddy!

Sue Coutanche

SP Footpath Officer


No report received due to PCSO Bishop being unwell. He will be attending South Perrott Café on the following Saturdays – 3rd June, 1st July and 29th July from approximately 0930 – 1030.

PCSO Alex Bishop



Nothing to report



a. Financial Status

Payments made since 14th March 2023

Clerking Work (Mar, Apr 23) 392.96
Rubbish Bin Emptying 69.24
Coronation Event Flyer 20.00
Payroll Administrator Salary 21.14
SID Replacement Battery 54.00
DAPTC Annual Subscription 92.24
Councillor Training 54.00
Total £703.58

Income since 14th March 2023

Precept Part 1 £3000.00
Total £3000.00

New cheques/payments for consideration

Manor Close Wall Project 300.00
Total £300.00

Matters of report and items for the next meeting

a. Chairman

Nothing to report

b. Clerk

Nothing to report

c. Members

Nothing to report


Dates of Future Meetings

Tuesday 4th July at 6.30pm in the Village Hall

The meeting closed at 7.32pm

Public Session to raise items for future agendas

Nothing to report