South Perrott and Chedington Newsletter
Issue 81 February/March 2025
The decorations have been put away and all New Year resolutions have been made and put into practice or broken already! Anyway, we hope that you all have fond memories of our Christmas festivities. Both villages’ usual activities have now resumed. Although we are small villages, we have very socially active communities, so please take advantage of all that is on offer – everyone will always receive a warm welcome!
The Editors
Chedington Village Hall
Our coffee mornings in Chedington Village Hall take place on the first Saturday of the month from 10:30am (note the new time). The next ones are on Saturday 1st February and Saturday 1st March. Tea, coffee and delicious homemade cakes are served and all are welcome. Donations towards Village Hall funds are appreciated.
South Perrott Village Hall
The Village Hall hosts the SP Café on most Saturday mornings from 10am until midday. Everyone is welcome to come along, enjoy a coffee/tea and a cake, have a chat with your friends, use the internet (free of charge) and generally relax. PCSO Alex Bishop will be with us on 8th February and 8th March 2025. Alex hopes to meet many residents so please come and enjoy a coffee and a chat with your local PCSO. Please note that there will be no café on Saturday 15th February, Saturday 22nd March and Saturday 29th March.
On Saturday 15th February we will be holding our annual quiz for teams of up to 6 people competing for the Dave Smith Memorial Trophy. Entry is £10 per person and this includes a curry as well as entry into the prize fund. There will be a pay bar all evening. Doors open at 6 pm for a 7pm start. To enter a team, please contact Chris on 892330. If you are not a member of a team but would like to take part give Chris a call anyway – we wil find a team you can join.
The hall is holding one of its popular Pop-Up Pie Nights on Saturday 22nd March. If you would like to attend, please contact Chris on 892330 by Monday 17th so that we know how many people we need to cater for. Entrance is £10 and there will be a full bar.
SPLottery – 2025/26.
I shall be taking names (and money of course – £12 per number) throughout February and March, for the new SPLottery year, April 2025 to March 2026. Please let me know if you would like to take part, or would like further information, by phoning me on 891115 or by emailing me at this address:
The lucky SPLottery winners for December were the holders of numbers 88, 15 and 71 and for January the numbers were 51, 16 and 32. The final two draws of this SPLottery year will be on Saturday 8th February and Saturday 8th March at the SP Café as usual. Many thanks as always for your support, Hilary
First Aid Course
A first aid course for local residents has been arranged for Saturday 1st February in South Perrott Village Hall. From 12:30pm. If you have already registered your interest and would like to attend this course please direct mail Robin Ketteridge on The numbers are limited to 10 people so only 1 person per family for this one please. A second course will be arranged.
Big Breakfasts
The next Big Breakfasts in South Perrott Village Hall are on Sunday 2nd February and Sunday 2nd March from 9:00 –11:00am. Come and enjoy a Full English Breakfast for £7.00 (Children £3.50} or why not treat yourself to a Jumbo English Breakfast for just £10. A healthy Porridge alternative is £5.00 or try one of our Bacon Baps – £4.00. All breakfasts include toast, juice, and tea or coffee.
Jumble Sale
There will be a jumble sale in South Perrott Village Hall on Saturday 29th March at 14:00. Contact Ann on 891224 for details.
South Perrott Coffee Club
The next coffee clubs are on Monday 3rd February hosted by Ella in Tumberlands (891065) and on Monday 3rd March hosted by Ann in The Granary (891224).
Winyards Gap Inn
We will be celebrating Valentine’s Day with a special menu on Friday 14th February and Saturday 15th February. Please see our website,, for more details.
Although Spring seems a long way away, we are already taking bookings for Mother’s Day on March 30th.
To book a table, please call Lucy and Bron on 891244
Chedington and South Perrott Gardening Club
On Wednesday 12th February starting at 2:00pm we have organised a visit to East Lambrook Manor for their snowdrop festival. Please let me, Dave McSkelly, know if you would like to attend. Our next meeting in Chedington Village Hall on Wednesday 12th March features Claire Hart talking about Planting for a Problem Garden. Meetings start at 7.30pm and all are welcome.
Grand Christmas Raffle 2024
Thank you to everyone who purchased raffle tickets and, of course, to our sponsors who without their generosity we would not have had a Raffle. I would also like to thank all the “foot soldiers” who sold tickets to their families and friends, and especially to Ann, Hilary and Matthew who did a great sales job! I am delighted to report that, as a result of all our efforts, we raised £1,201. This has been allocated to repairs to the bell tower and vestry roof with the work now scheduled for the first part of 2025.
We had 16 lucky winners: nine from South Perrott, two from Chedington; two from Beaminster, one from East Chinnock; one from Crewkerne and one from Maiden Newton.
We hope you will give your support once again to enable us to run the Grand Raffle for Christmas 2025.
Sue Coutanche, Secretary & Raffle Promoter, St Mary’s PCC, South Perrott and Chedington
Chedington Equestrian Centre
The centre is holding a Quality Yard Sale on Saturday 22nd February from 10:30am to 1:30pm. Sellers’ packs are £3 and sellers need to register in advance with Admission is £1. All proceeds are in aid of Weldmar HospiceCare.
Footpath Update – January 2025
Many of the official footpaths are very muddy again and quite a few people are walking the agricultural tracks that have been recently laid by farmers. Please remember these are used at the discretion of the farmers and to respect the land that they cross. They are not public rights of way apart from where they follow existing footpaths and bridleways.
The current Government has recently announced that it plans to reverse the decision made by the previous Government that historic “Rights of Way” had to be registered by 2031 or they would be lost forever. It is estimated that there are over 40,000 miles of these paths in England and Wales and local authorities are struggling to record them. Please let me know if you are aware of any historic “Rights of Way” in our parish that need to be registered.
The Environment Agency has at last reopened access across the Flood Relief Scheme and the Millennium Green can now be reached from the Engineer’s Road as well as via Bailey’s Lane and the permissive path through Orchard Farm.
We live in a parish which is designated as a National Landscape (formerly ANOB) so if you have the opportunity, please enjoy the beautiful scenery that is available on our doorsteps!
Sue Coutanche, Footpath Officer
South Perrott Parish Council (SPPC) Meeting – 7th January 2025
Below is an outline of the main topics covered in this meeting, which was held in South Perrott Village Hall. Full details are available in the draft minutes which are posted on the Parish Council noticeboard and on the website In attendance were four councillors and Acting Clerk Angela Gillingham. Apologies received from Cllr. Scott-Malden, DC Cllr Craig Monks, PCSO Alex Bishop and Mark Payne, Clerk.
- Appointment of Clerk: Mark Payne has now officially started as the new clerk.
- Lengthsman Duties: Two individuals have been engaged on an hourly basis; one will be keeping the verges tidy in Pipplepen Lane from the Village Hall to the Old School House and the other keeping the grass cut and trees tidy in Manor Close.
- Telephone Kiosk in the Pound: As the kiosk is not listed, Michael Stevenette has offered to paint the kiosk in the colour prescribed by BT, which is “Currant Red Gloss”. The Parish Council agreed to pay for the materials.
- Footpath Officer’s Report: See Footpath Update for information.
- Trees for South Perrott: In an update from Cllr Monks, he said they had run out of trees in Beaminster so more trees have been ordered for Mosterton and South Perrott. They should arrive at the beginning of spring.
- First Aid Course for residents – Saturday 1st February 2025: 22 people had initially expressed an interest, but Cllr Ketteridge was still waiting for people to sign up for the course. The first course can accommodate a maximum of 12 people.
- Electric Vehicle (EV) Charger: A meeting had been held with a representative from Dorset Council to consider the positioning of an EV charging point in the village. It will be suitable for charging two cars, and it was hoped that it could be installed in the Village Hall car park at no cost to the Hall. The decision will be ratified at the next VH committee meeting.
- Finance: SPPC Bank Balance as at 07/01/25 was £8,664.01; Precept 2025/6 – it was agreed that a precept of £6,000 is to be requested from Dorset Council. This is the same as the precept requested in 2024/5.
- River/Flood Warden’s Report: In his report Cllr. Gillingham referred to the recent severe storms when the wind and not the rain had caused damage to some properties in the village. For information, water quality is the responsibility of the Environment Agency which occasionally they check in the River Parrett as well as other watercourses.
- Listed Buildings Champion: Cllr. Martyn Gillingham has been appointed to this role and can be contacted for advice as required.
- Digital Champion: Jonathan Baker has been appointed to this role and can offer, for example, advice on setting up broadband routers and Digital Voice
- Digital Voice/Wessex Internet: Currently those in South Perrott who receive their landline via Digital Voice cannot use their phone during a power cut. This problem should be resolved when BT provide full fibre to all premises in the village. A lively discussion amongst the councillors and the audience ensued with some residents recounting their recent experiences.
- Parish Council Website: Tom Scott-Malden is in the process of updating the website which in addition to useful information will also have a list of “Parish Champions”.
- Environment: Yvonne Sullivan was willing to lead a steering group focusing on the village becoming a plastic-free community. Cllr Ketteridge, on behalf of the Parish Council, agreed to join this group.
- Mud in Lecher Lane: The NFU recommend that it is reasonable that farmers clear the roads of any mud at the end of each day. Cllr. Footitt requested that people report mud on the road to Cllr Coutanche who will contact the farmer in the first instance.
- Wall in Manor Close: The wall has been made safe, some of the nearby trees have been cut back and the area is much improved.
- Defibrillator: The Parish Council has now taken over responsibility for the defibrillator and has signed up to a ‘Managed Solutions Agreement’ with The Community Heartbeat Trust who is responsible for maintaining the equipment.
- 5G Signal: Cllr Ketteridge is researching companies that can provide a 5G mobile mast in the village. Theoretically the whole village (excepting the inside of some properties) is covered by 5G, but residents’ phones need to be 5G capable to receive it.
- Power Cuts: Stephen Legg explained that some of the recent cuts were as a result of work to the National Grid’s overhead cabling. People registered as vulnerable get a telephone warning in advance of a planned power cut and are updated at intervals (via mobile phone) during any power cut as to when the power will be restored.
- PCSO Report: PCSO Alex Bishop will be at the VH Café on the following Saturdays: 8th February and 8th March 2025. Crimes can be reported on 101 or online at
- Planning: Full details of all applications plus public comments can be viewed at:
- Applications handled since last meeting – P/FUL/2024/06664 – Picket Lane Nursery – two Shepherd Huts on the site. Supported by SPPC.
- Decisions notified by DC since the last meeting – P/FUL/2024/05297 – The proposal for alterations to the Parrett Hotel. This application was granted by DC on 17/12/24.
- New applications to be considered: None.
- Other Planning Matters – WD/ENF/20/00041 – Parrett Hotel Enforcement Notice.
To restore the Parrett Hotel to a nine-bedroom hotel. All the conditions are being met by the owners and the Dorset Council enforcement officer will make a decision about compliance after 1st February 2025.
- Diary Date: Annual Village Meeting – Tuesday 29th April at 7pm in SP Village Hall. Further details in Issue 82.
Date of next meeting: Wednesday 5th March 2025 at 7pm in SP Village Hall.
South Perrott Parish Councillors
Councillor | Telephone No. | e-mail Address |
Richard Footitt (Chairman) | 01935 891115 | |
Robin Ketteridge (Vice Chairman) | | |
Tom Scott-Malden | 07830 115743 | |
Martyn Gillingham | 01935 891931 | |
Sue Coutanche | 07971 979155 | |
Clerk to the Parish Council
Mark Payne | |
Dorset Councillor for Beaminster Electoral Division
Craig Monks | 01305 225968 | |
Parish Champions
Digital Champion | Jonathan Baker | 07903 995696. | |
Listed Buildings Champion | Martyn Gillingham | 01935 891931 | |
Editors – Pump and Pound
Dave McSkelly | 01935 891891 | |
Sue Coutanche | 01935 891019 | |
What’s On in South Perrott and Chedington
February 2025 | Time | Event | Venue | Contact | |||||
Saturday | 1st | 10:30 | Coffee Morning | Chedington Village Hall | Sam | – | 07939 106381 | ||
12:30 | First Aid Course | SP Village Hall | Robin | ||||||
Sunday | 2nd | 09:00 | Big Breakfast | SP Village Hall | Martyn | – | 891931 | ||
Monday | 3rd | 11:00 | Coffee Club | Tumberlands | Ella | – | 891065 | ||
Saturday | 8th | 10:00 | Alex Bishop @ SP Café | SP Village Hall | Dave | – | 891891 | ||
Wednesday | 12th | 14:00 | Garden Club visit to East Lambrook Manor | East Lambrook Manor | Dave | – | 891891 | ||
Friday | 14th | 12:00 | Valentine’s Day Menu | Winyards Gap Inn | Lucy/Bron | – | 891244 | ||
Saturday | 15th | 12:00 | Valentine’s Day Menu | Winyards Gap Inn | Lucy/Bron | – | 891244 | ||
18:00 | Quiz and Curry | SP Village Hall | Chris | – | 892330 | ||||
Saturday | 22nd | 18:30 | Quality Yard Sale | Chedington Equestrian Centre | |||||
March 2025 | Time | Event | Venue | Contact | |||||
Saturday | 1st | 10:30 | Coffee Morning | Chedington Village Hall | Sam | – | 07939 106381 | ||
Sunday | 2nd | 09:00 | Big Breakfast | SP Village Hall | Martyn | – | 891931 | ||
Monday | 3rd | 11:00 | Coffee Club | The Granary | Ann | – | 891224 | ||
Wednesday | 5th | 19:00 | SP Parish Council | SP Village Hall | Mark | ||||
Saturday | 8th | 10:00 | Alex Bishop @ SP Café | SP Village Hall | Dave | – | 891891 | ||
Wednesday | 12th | 19:30 | Garden Club with Claire Hart | Chedington Village Hall | Dave | – | 891891 | ||
Saturday | 22nd | 19:00 | PopUp Pie Night | SP Village Hall | Chris | – | 892330 | ||
Saturday | 29th | 14:00 | Jumble Sale | SP Village Hall | Ann | – | 891224 |
Regular Events – Winter/Spring 2025
Day | Time | Event | Venue | Contact | ||
Every Saturday | 10:00 | Café (not 15th February, 22nd March nor 29th March) | SP Village Hall | Dave | – | 891891 |
Every Monday | 19:00 | Short Mat Bowls | SP Village Hall | Doreen | – | 891431 |
Every Wednesday | 09:30 | Yoga | SP Village Hall | Jane | – | 07925148222 |
Every Thursday | 18:00 | Steel Drums Session | SP Village Hall | Mike | – | 07762 260582 |
Future Diary Dates
Annual South Perrott Village Meeting – Tuesday 29th April at 7pm in SP Village Hall. Further details in Issue 82.
To keep up to date with village events view:
Facebook Pages (“like” and “share”): | |
South Perrott | |
Chedington | |
South Perrott Parish Council website | |
Local Contacts:
Chedington Village Hall: South Perrott Village Hall:
Chairman Sam Mackenzie-Green 07939 106381 Chairman Dave McSkelly 01935 891891
Bookings Rosemary Sanderson 07813 983821 Secretary Angela Gillingham 01935 891931
Email Bookings
or Chris Kennett 01935 892330
Wynyard’s Gap Lucy/Bron 01935 891244 Parrett Hotel James/Yvonne 01935 891355
St Mary’s Church: Millennium Green
Church Warden Christine Howard 01460 76405 Secretary Martyn Gillingham 01935 891931
Treasurer Matthew Godley
Secretary Sue Coutanche
South Perrott Footpaths Officer
Sue Coutanche 07971 979155/01935 891019 NORDCAT Dial the Bus Service 01258 473154
Issue 82 of The Pump & Pound, covering April and May 2025, will be published at the end of March. Contributions should be sent to Sue or Dave by Friday 21st March.
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